Well here we are the middle of March already, which means...drum roll please..... SPRING IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! :) lets hope sooner than later, i have a feeling though that we will have one more big storm before is officially nice for a couple months. but what a winter it has been! :) i mean seriously, i wont complain any more as we all know i declared about 2 weeks ago, i divorced winter! :)
so it was abusy week last week, my last week at aetna, (tear...) maybe a little, i did make some wonderful friends thru there! I will miss them, but know we will be in touch! :) so a recap of the week....
Monday Kameron left for work and then the snow started, Erin stayed with me that night. Sarah circle was cancelled.
Tuesday-snow snow and more snow!!! :) and i had a "snow" day, i didnt leave my house, but i had to take the day off. i actually got the taxes done.... YEAH!!! we all know what a pain in the butt they are! and i listed a bunch of kamerons and some of my clothes that we cant wear anymore on ebay (i have made some good money!) Erin stayed again
Wednesday no more snow! that was the light at the end of my tunnel! i worked all day and went to sarah circle that night. erin drove home the roads had started to clear. I cancelled my appt with my crazy doc (mental health professional) and supper with Jeramie and Annika, i was too cold to travel! and i had a wonderful chat with my dad (tim) about anything and everything!
Thursday i was "sick" yup sick of work! so i did a million things, ran errands all morning, had some avon to deliver, got passport applications, dropped the taxes off, and mailed some ebay packages. oh and i should mention had a wonderful talk with my mother and a LONG overdue chat with my dear friend sarah! i also talked to my dad (dean) about insurance and stuff for quite some time! kam got home late that night. oh and did i mention i did not lay aorund all day, i took all the cushions off the furniture and vaccuumed (with my dyson-the best ever!) and cleaned the floor in the kitchen and hung up all the clothes that were in baskets trust me it was bad! oh and my favorite father in law cleaned my driveway! THANK YOU!
Friday, i had my exit interview with Aetna then worked for about an hour then decided i was DONE! it felt great, kameron and i unhooked my computer and got my scrapbooking desk ready to go, i am so excited to actually have a place to work on scrapping! i love it so much! then we went out for lunch and ran a few more errands and mailed a few more packages... i headed to scrapbooking club for the night. what a wonderful night, i am so happy i am part of this group!!! thank you to Lori for getting me involved! oh and thank you to Lori and Tammi for making this group such a wonderful therapy session for me! even if i didnt get home until 4am, yes you read that right, 4am! but on a positive spin, i got a ton of scrapping done! i feel like i was ran over by a truck!!!
Saturday (TODAY!) woke up with kameron and sadie, as usual, got ready and went to Sheilas for breakfast (a little date thing we do!) ran some errands visited his parents, we came home and sold our wii, sad but true. we just never used it. so then i made kam start to hang about 75 different things for me, oh how he loves his "honey do" list!!! :) then i took a name (i am such an old lady!!!!) we grabbed some supper now we are watching the state a tourney on tv and just listed about 30 more items on ebay! :) SELL SELL SELL!
Tomorrow i will blog again, i hope to be more of a daily blogger, setting a goal for myself! :)
Thanks for taking time out of your day to read about mine! :)
Enough with this AI nonsense
19 minutes ago
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